Sara Martin

Diagnosed stage 3a while 7 months pregnant In 2014. Once giving birth to my amazing daughter I had 23 lymph nodes removed under my arm with wider excision of the original spot. 2 of those lymph nodes came back positive with tiny particles identified. Started interferon treatments and with a newborn only lasted 5 months on the treatment. Since then I have had all NED PET results including this past months scan. (4 years) In 2016 I had 2 β€œNew” melanoma spots. My last derm visit this month, before my scan, I had new spots removed. One came back abnormal, but not melanoma. I now have Potential melanoma and will have a wider excision on this spot to make sure all is out. Just sharing my story this melanoma May for anyone that needs to hear. Once diagnosed diligence is key!! Keep the faith, learn to love your new beauty scars and know the skin that you are in! You are not alone. Love to all my melahomies! ✌🏼πŸ’ͺπŸ»πŸ€™πŸΌπŸ‘ŠπŸ»